

We wrote a nurture email campaign for CloudLinux that introduced the latest version of their flagship product, CloudLinux OS.

  • Strategy
  • Email Marketing

Email 1: Welcome, intro, set expectations – introduce Igor

Subject: Is there a way to make hosting services more efficient & profitable?

Hi (Insert name),

Do the people in your shared hosting business spend too much time monitoring servers and solving bugs? Dealing with security issues? Handling customer complaints?

Could your business be more profitable?

Is sysadmin time wasted on menial tasks that could be more automated?

If so, we’re now offering a free trial of a solution that makes these problems a thing of the past…

Introducing CloudLinux OS+

CloudLinux OS+ is the latest version of our flagship product, CloudLinux OS. This currently runs on more than 60,000 production servers and powers more than 20 million websites. It is recognized as the industry’s best OS for security and efficiency in shared hosting environments.

CloudLinux OS+ was developed with many of the key challenges for shared hosting services in mind, i.e.:

  • The amount of time required to administer web servers
  • Security and performance issues damaging the customer experience
  • The struggle to be more profitable

Using advanced automation, deep-look performance analytics, and centralized monitoring tools, CloudLinux OS+ provides a state-of-the-art solution that delivers:

  • Greater stability – reduce the number of support tickets, lower operating costs, and free time up to focus on other issues that affect your customers
  • Better performance monitoring - identify performance bottlenecks to keep your customers happy and reduce churn rates
  • Low-cost and scalable – make each server more profitable and upgrade as required and as you grow your business

If you have an overworked sysadmin without the luxury of a large IT department, CloudLinux OS+ steps in and does the heavy lifting.

Who are we?

Ten years ago, our founder Igor Seletskiy decided to make life easier for shared hosting providers by making Linux more stable, secure, and profitable.

CloudLinux was the result.

The team is now over XX-strong and we have over 450 years of combined Linux experience (yes, we counted each one!)

We also count some large enterprises like IBM and Dell amongst our 4,000+ customers worldwide. But we don’t forget the smaller guys who helped us get there. Over 200,000 servers run our software today, powering over 20 million websites.

What next?

You can either install a free trial of CloudLinux OS+ right now right here or stay tuned for more info!

Over the next couple of weeks, I’ll be following up with a few emails highlighting the main features and benefits of CloudLinux OS+.

Till next time,

Email 2: Problem 1/Solution 1

Subject: Is server stability/security eating up too much time?

Hi again (Insert name),

Every shared hosting service provider is interested in keeping operational costs down in these competitive times.

In the last email, I introduced CloudLinux OS+, the brand-new version of our OS for shared hosting service providers.

It makes life much easier for sysadmins by enhancing stability and security and automating many of the traditionally laborious tasks.

How does CloudLinux OS+ improve stability and security?

Stability is the key to success in shared hosting. Stable servers make both you and your customers happy.

However, smaller providers without large IT departments must often spend a lot of time in-house on achieving this.

Without assistance from the software, it requires huge efforts to administer web servers to meet the requirements of customers.

With CloudLinux OS+, this is made much easier:

  • It isolates each customer into a partition, allocating and limiting server resources, like memory, CPU, and connections for each tenant so that stability and speed remain optimal for all customers.
  • Resource allocations are specific to each customer, preventing spikes and making servers rock-solid stable, even in the most stressful situations.
  • If one tenant hits the limit, other users will not be affected.
  • It “cages” tenants from one another to avoid security breaches - unstable scripts or malware cannot sprawl across customer sites. 

If a server is hacked, nobody needs reminding how long it takes to clean up the mess…. though the damage to your reputation can take a lot longer to repair. Customers have long memories!

Linux was never meant to be used by a large number of non-vetted users, making hacking a real danger in shared hosting environments.

The CageFS and SecureLinks technologies within CloudLinux OS prevent hacking. Users are virtualized to their own file systems, saving you hours and hours of potential cleanup time and a lost reputation in the market.

Instead, you can spend this time on improving other aspects of the business – which is better for your customers and better for you!

What next?

Ready for a free trial of CloudLinux OS+? You can arrange that here - or stay tuned for more info on our brand-new OS!

In the next email, we’ll consider how improving the performance of webservers will also help keep service at peak levels, keep your customers happy, and reduce time spent on support tickets.

Until then,

Email 3: Problem 2/solution 2

Subject: Want to reduce complaints about speed and website performance?

Hi again (Insert name),

Nothing will make customers drift away quicker from a hosting service than a perceived slowdown or poor website performance.

In the last email, we considered how CloudLinux OS+ helps solve stability and security issues – but what happens when customers are complaining about outages or speed issues?

How does CloudLinux OS+ improve performance?

Many of the stability/security measures we already discussed aid the overall performance of servers and help keep your customers satisfied.

For instance, you may recall the per-tenant resource allocation and limits for CPU, IO, and memory from the last email. That reduces server loads.

CloudLinux OS+ also has other powerful features designed to create optimal server performance in shared hosting environments:

  • Mod_Isapi: faster than any other way to serve PHP with Apache

    • Doesn’t suffer from stability issues in process management like PHP FPM and mod_fcgid
    • Includes the full benefits of opcode caching
    • Is compatible with MPM Worker and Event
    • Does not require tuning
    • Includes support for PHP directives in .htaccess files
    • Is a drop-in replacement for existing ways to serve PHP
    • Is fully compatible with PHP Selec
  • MySQL Governor: MySQL is one of the main causes of issues on a shared server. MySQL Governor monitors MySQL usage and throttles abusers, preventing them from overloading the server, which improves overall performance for all.

    • Tracks CPU and disk IO usage for every user in real-time and throttles MySQL queries by using same-per-user LVE limits
    • By using the dbtop utility, it is possible to see usage as it happens on a per-customer basis, ensuring that system admins always know what is going on
    • Stable, simple limits counted as part of LVE limits
    • Automatic detection and killing of long-running queries
    • MySQL 5.1 – 5.7 support
    • MariaDB 5.x and 10.x support

We all know that website owners install plugins and software that affect performance and lead to performance bottlenecks. The built-in tools within CloudLinux OS+ help prevent these issues.

Priority 24/7 support

If you still experience performance issues, CloudLinux OS+ comes with priority support 24/7.

Though we fully expect you to receive up to 70% fewer tickets for performance issues by upgrading to CloudLinux OS+ (that means 70% fewer angry calls from customers), we are here for you to help out if you are having issues…

“Issues addressed fast and efficiently”
“CLN support was always very helpful to troubleshoot specific issues. Having its priority support brings us more peace of mind, making sure issues are always addressed fast and efficiently.”

– Juan Manuel Zolezzi Volpi., Director, Duplika

What next?

Ready for a free trial of CloudLinux OS+? You can arrange that here - or stay tuned for more info on our brand-new OS specifically designed for businesses like yours.

In the next email, we’ll consider how the OS can increase the profitability of your shared hosting business.

Until next time,