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To Entrepreneurs Who Want to Build a 7-Figure Income in 2021

Announcing ... 12 Months of Personalized Business Coaching by 3 Self-Made Millionaires

Accomplish more in your business in the next twelve months than you have in the past twelve years ...

  • Explode your online business profits and start earning $100k+ months
  • Create hands-off systems & processes and finally build that lifestyle business
  • Access a world-class network and lifestyle
  • Grow and protect your wealth for future generations

Get access to our COMBINED multi-million-dollar networks, business start up teams, trusted vendors…

Use the power of The Game Changers Inner Circle 5.0 Mastermind Groups to intertwine businesses for mutual profit and growth

AND get different perspectives on your business roadblocks...

A Personal Invitation from Peter, Mark & Douglas:

You could be working alongside Peter Voogd, Mark Lack and Douglas James in growing your income to 6-figures per month as early as next week.

[Apply for The Game Changers Inner Circle 5.0 Today]

How Would You Like to…?

1. Be a better entrepreneur by focussing on health, freedom and relationships

Burnout is real. Make sure you're able to enjoy the fruits of your success.

2. 20X your marketing and automation of the business.

You don’t need to work harder to scale your business. You don’t need to work ten times harder to get ten times the results.

3. Learn how to systematize your business so it doesn’t rely on you.

Even if you don’t intend to sell it, we can show you how to set it up so it’s ‘built to sell’.

4. Increase your financial intelligence—learn not just how to make more money but also how to keep it and grow it.

As they say “Making money is easy. Keeping it is hard.’

See Our Students’ Results


Game Changers Inner Circle 5.0 is NOT Your Typical Mastermind

Most masterminds are run by one person, but this one is different. We're not ego driven.

We're results driven.

So we've got not just one, not two, but three mentors this year.

Many courses and masterminds dump a lot of info on you and expect you to work it all out for yourself, saying things like, “We would love to give everybody one-on-one support but it’s just not possible.”

NO. This is the opposite. We do give one-on-one support. You can even text your business mentor at any time you want to go over a sticking point in your business.

I’ll tell you about that in a minute.

Other Mastermind groups let anyone in. As one of my business mentors once told me: “Any VIP list with more than thirty people on it is not a VIP list.”

Luckily for us, there are plenty of hard working, honest and ambitious out there who want to grow their income and live a life of complete freedom.

Are you one of them?

Many mastermind groups over expand and dilute the membership quality. They don’t cap the numbers due to short sighted owners and focus on profits.

We have deliberately kept our groups small.

Last year we let in only thirty people. We are raising the number this year because so many people begged to be let in but it won’t be by much.

If you don’t get results, we haven’t done our job.

This is a mastermind for entrepreneurs who have a track record of making money and have already proven they can build an online business.

Sorry this isn’t the course for beginners. If you haven’t produced at least 10k per month then this isn’t the right time for you to join.

Who Are We?

I’m Peter Voogd. You may have seen me profiled in Forbes. Or maybe you read my best-selling book ‘6 Months to 6 Figures’.

Or maybe you saw my course on Creative Live after hearing it recommended by Tim Ferriss.

For the past four years I have been running the Game Changers Mastermind with my good friend and collaborator Mark Lack.

Mark is the go-to expert on personal branding. He also wrote the best-selling book ‘Shorten the Gap’ and hosts the TV show Business Rock Stars where he interviews elite entrepreneurs and picks their brain every week.

We are in the unique position of having been around and having access to hundreds between us of self-made, first- generation millionaire entrepreneurs.

We have run one of these every year for the past four years, every year getting better and refining the experience.

Every year getting better results for all our members.

But Game Changers Inner Circle 5.0 is a bit different to previous years. As we have evolved, our mastermind has evolved too.

At first we focussed on growing business and increasing profits.

We did that pretty well for everyone for the past five years.


But as our incomes have grown to beyond six figures per month, we have been looking more at how to protect that wealth and grow it.

As you know your priorities change once you make a big load of money.

We help you grow your business for sure. But then we show you what to do with that money to guarantee security for yourself and your family…

And how to live a lifestyle of travel, free time, once-in-a-lifetime experiences and freedom.

In recent years Mark has invested a lot in commercial real estate and I (Pete) have been getting heavily into Crypto investing.

So we go beyond an online business growth mastermind to a wealth building mastermind.

This year we are taking the mastermind to the next level: we added another heavyweight of online marketing - Douglas James.

Doug is known as the ‘high-ticket client’ guy because of how he has coached thousands to get high paying clients. He is also a world-renowned Facebook advertising expert.

So you not only get the connections of Peter and Mark like previous students but you get Doug’s connections as well.

Peter’s Connections and Expertise X Mark’s Connections and Expertise X Doug’s Connections and Expertise =

Your Most Profitable Year Ever

We want to level with you - what got you to this level won’t get you to where you want to go. ‘It has worked so far’ will not cut it.

You need a whole new approach.

You can get to five figures revenue per month through hard work and desire. But to break through your current plateau, you need skill and connections that you don’t currently have.

So that’s why we are going to hold your hand and give you a hand up to help you achieve your dreams. We’ll be right there on the other end of the phone with you eight times per month and hear your questions.

If I don’t know the answer, I’m sure Mark will and if he doesn’t know then Doug will.

And you still have all the other five-figure entrepreneurs in the mastermind so the chances of not getting the right answer are virtually zero.

This is about as close as you will ever get to guaranteed success.

So understand that you get daily coaching by not one but three experienced entrepreneurs every single day for the next twelve months.

That level of collaboration, support, and strategies can only mean huge life transformation for you.

Here at Game Changers we have a well-established culture.

You will automatically take on the values of the group: family, freedom, health, automation, generosity and collaboration.

Achieve goals that you didn’t think were possible. Proximity and environment alter our success more than anything else. It’s time for you to expand and think bigger.

What Got You to Where You Are Today is Now Holding You Back

To get to where you are now - five figures per month is a big accomplishment - I congratulate you.

And yet to reach the elite level we are talking about you need to let go of the reins and build processes to do it for you.

You need to get your employees and your systems and your money to work hard for you.

You’ve reached the limit of what you can do on your own.

You’re too close to your business and you can’t see the outside perspective.

This makes it really difficult to solve problems that are obvious to others.

You’re using the ‘trial and error’ method.

That’s good for getting you started but now you need to learn to use leverage. And I don’t mean debt. I mean the power of networks and collaboration and working with others for mutual profit and benefit.

You’re not thinking as big as you could.

How can you think bigger when everyone around you is thinking at the same level?

You don’t have accountability.

This has happened to many of our online course students. We gave the entrepreneurs a to-do list step-by-step instructions.

We got really excited for them and then we checked in with them a few weeks later and can you guess what happened?


Life gets in the way. It does for all of us. Welcome to being a member of the human race. Family, different interests, day-to day fires that need to be put out. All that stuff will take over.

Trust me, I’ve interviewed a lot of successful self made millionaires and they know that too.

The only way to get it done when the world throws up roadblocks to test you is to have accountability.

That’s why we built this into the mastermind.

We make sure you do what you say you are going to do every week.

If you don’t we work with you to find out why and come up with a plan. We’ll probably know someone or the group will know who has the answer.

We won’t rest until you have achieved our goals.

Where you live is holding you back.

Maybe there aren’t enough big thinkers around where you live - unless you live in San Francisco or Manhattan.

That’s why we get together every week with big thinkers around the world and get together three times a year for in person meet ups.

I’ll tell you more about that in a second.

When I started my online business that I had nobody to relate to. Nobody around me understood what I was doing and didn’t know anything about online business.

Entrepreneurship is a lonely path. We have to be around people who share our values.

You have it in your power to pick your peer group.

We Are Opening Up 50 Spots for the Game Changers Inner Circle 5.0

We will start quickly and move aggressively. There is no joining in a few months. Everybody will be so far ahead.

We are starting next week and not looking back.


12 Month Mastermind with 3 Multi Millionaire Entrepreneurs - Peter Voogd, Mark Lack, and Douglas James

8 Calls a Month

Yes, that means two a week so get ready to work.

This is for people who are serious.

If you don’t have the bandwidth to make time for two calls per week that’s fine. I respect that. We make no apologies for the workload and the amount of calls. We want people who are all in.

1 Monthly Call with Peter, Mark and Doug - Including a hot seat session where we work through your business roadblocks.

Insider secret: you learn more by listening to other people's business challenges. You get insights you would never have gotten.

2 Monthly Calls with Peter and a special guest - past guest include Tim Ferriss, Grant Cardone, Marie Froleo and MJ Demarco

4 Monthly Calls with Mark and a special guest

1 Monthly Call with Doug and his team

All of these calls will be recorded so don’t worry if you can’t make one.

3 Inner Circle Live Events (2 days each)

Note: We are VERY Covid conscious. Our meetups comply with all regulations and have sanitizing crew and ventilation to make sure everyone is safe.

LIFETIME ACCESS to our three flagship courses:

Peter Voogd’s Game Changer Academy - Value $8000

Mark Lack’s Personal Branding Accelerator - Value $10,000

Douglas James’ Industry Marketing Academy -

Value $5,000

And all the bonuses and training and calls included inside these courses.

One-on-one help via Whatsapp from Peter, Mark and Doug. You can message us at any time with any question related to your business.

Access to our combined teams: marketers, customer service, content writers, graphic designers, programmers, etc.

Our personally vetted list of freelancers, outsourcers contractors, and vendors.

All the templates and swipe files we use on a daily basis to run our businesses.

No need to ever create anything from scratch again. It’s all here - ads, sales letters, hiring forms, job postings, policy documents, etc.

Growth Accountability Group (Facebook)

This is where you will interact with all the other members of the Inner Circle. Myself and Mark and Doug also chime in here to answer any questions.

You won’t be alone.

How Much Does Game Changers Inner Circle 5.0 Cost?

Pay Once - $30,000 (Save $6,000)

Pay Monthly - $3,000

We make no apologies for the price. It helps us to curate the group and it increases investment.

I’ve learned through experience myself that participation in low-fee groups is spotty at best.

Benefiting and participating in a mastermind requires a real commitment but it’s worth the effort.

We have one rule for all of our students: They must get a minimum of 10 times their investment with us.

So unless you benefit by $300,000 this year then we have failed you.

We want people who think ‘investments’ not ‘cost’. If you don’t have the value mindset yet then then isn’t for you.

This is a one year program. It’s not for someone who is looking for a quick tip or trick or answer then go back to their old way of doing things.

If you only want to take and don’t want to stick around and help others, please don’t apply.

We want givers.

(Money-Back Guarantee)

Here’s What to do Next:

1. Click on the ‘Apply Now’ button below

2. Fill out the form

3. You’ll get an email from us to arrange a call

4. We jump on a call with you to see if this is a good fit for both of us.

Don’t worry it’s not a sales call. We don’t need to sell you on this. If we do, then this isn’t right for either of us.

Just to let you know, there is a wait list for entry. We say no to inappropriate people all the time.

We do this to keep the trust of the group to keep the quality high.

Game Changers Inner Circle 5.0 Application Form

Yes!!! I want to enjoy all the income-boosting and life-changing benefits of membership to the Game Changers Inner Circle 5.0 program. I understand that the Game Changers Inner Circle includes:

  • 8 Live Calls Per month
  • 3 In-Person Inner Circle Events
  • Game Changers Academy Course
  • Personal Branding Accelerator Course
  • Industry Marketing Academy Course


  • Whatsapp Support direct to Peter, Mark, and Doug’s personal number
  • Access to list of trusted freelancers
  • Access to vault of swipe files and templates

Click Here to Complete the Application Form

What Other Options Do You Have?

Option 1: Go it alone

Listen, you can get to the same place as our members will be in 12 months. You’re driven and you’ve already proven you can start and grow an internet business. But it will take you 3-5 years. That’s fine.

Option 2: Hire a business coach

A run-of-the-mill coach will set you back around $100 per hour. And you might not see much of a return on that.

If you were to hire one of us, you’ll be looking at $500 per hour. So for our calls, and coaching and Whatsapp message, combines per week you’ll pay around $5,000 per week.

If you want an hour of Grant Cardone or Tim Ferriss’ time, to speak to them on the phone, how much do you think you will pay?

Option 3: Do nothing

Either you decide for yourself or the universe will decide for you. People who do nothing will be at the mercy of what other people want them to do. And they don’t have your best intentions.

The last year has reinforced for me the importance of family and being in control of my destiny.

The only security in an uncertain world is your desire to grow and the size, and influence, of your network.

That is true power and true freedom.

Take the first step today. Click on the button below.

We look forward to reading your application.

To your success,

Peter Voogd.

Click Here to Apply for Game Changers Inner Circle 5.0