Advertorial and outreach campaign for MintMine building up to their Initial Exchange Offering (IEO)
- Strategy
- copywriting
“David and his team are true wordsmiths, their sales copy is persuasive and easy to read. It was a pleasure to work with them!”
– Darius K.
Crypto mining the new way: Reap the rewards without hijacking any terminals!
In 2011, crypto mining was relatively new. The bitcoin ledger had only been started a couple of years earlier.
People used to mine bitcoins from computers in basements and college dormitories. You could mine many bitcoins per day—but it was complex and generated little in the way of profits.
Few people then had any inkling of the goldmine that they were working in or that each Bitcoin they earned would later be worth many thousands of dollars.
One bright spark in Russia saw the potential though.
He managed to mine 500,000 bitcoins within a few months in 2011—without his boss noticing!
He’d actually managed to successfully hijack the payment terminals in the company where he worked (called Qiwi) and engaged them in bitcoin mining when they were not in use.
This rogue employee had made around $5 million in a few months. Nice work if you can get it!
Of course, what he was doing was completely unethical and using company property in this way was a dismissible offence—as he was to find out.
But the seed had been planted in his boss’s mind:
“How crazy—we’re struggling to earn three cents on those terminals and such a gold mine is actually hidden here,” he thought.
He actually instructed his remaining employees to carry on mining.
But, just as quickly as the opportunity presented itself, it was taken away. Crypto mining can be like that—it changes quickly.
Soon his hardware could no longer handle the increasing difficulty. And, as more and more people turned to bitcoin mining, it became far more competitive.
It was almost impossible for the small operations to make money anymore.
The evolving crypto mining opportunity in 2019
Ten years after the advent of the first bitcoin ledger, crypto mining has certainly undergone an evolution.
You might say that it’s matured into a serious industry.
The opportunity remains—and you’ll be pleased to hear that you don’t have to hijack your boss’s computer terminals to reap rewards from it.
No, the crypto mining opportunity in 2019 lies in investment in the major operations that mine on an industrial scale in the cloud, with dedicated mining equipment.
These are huge operations that achieve economies of scale and are run by experienced crypto miners, many of whom have been there since the early days.
Some of the newest ones operate out of purpose-built data centers run by hydro-electric power or other renewable sources with low greenhouse emissions.
They purchase their equipment and electricity upfront to ensure 24/7 mining uptime and to minimize power costs (which was the Achilles heel of the old way of small crypto mining operations).
The opportunity now is that anyone can buy ‘tokens’ in these operations. It’s like buying ‘shares’ in them—so you buy tokens from the ‘exchange’ and become a ‘part-owner’ of the operation, without getting your hands dirty or investing any time into it.
One such operation is [Redacted]. It is based in a purpose-built data center in Quebec and its tokens will soon become available for purchase over a seven-day period.
You can check out all the details here: from biographies about the mining team to whitepapers on the technical aspects of the operation and what the estimated returns are.
You can even arrange a visit to the data center to check out the facility. Just don’t expect to hijack any of their computers—security is extra tight :-)
The future of money: crypto just got more accessible and more responsible.
Bitcoin mining is a bit like space travel to most people.
They know it exists and understand that it’s important; but they normally watch from a distance as it seems a very remote possibility that they’ll ever be involved!
But these days you don’t have to be a NASA scientist or even a Silicon Valley entrepreneur to be involved in crypto mining.
The secret is out; the door is open; and more people are counting the profits.
The evolution of crypto mining
Cryptocurrency “miners” are responsible for ensuring the authenticity of transactions and updating the blockchain ledger. For this complex job, they are rewarded with crypto currency.
But you don’t have to own any of this currency to make profits from it. Just like you don’t need to physically own gold ingots to trade in gold.
Crypto mining is no longer the exclusive domain of solo operators working banks of computers for long hours out of basements (and worrying about their electricity bills).
The realization has hit. Going it alone is difficult because of the steep learning curve.
It’s tough to make decent profits on a small-scale.
To make serious money from crypto mining, it needs to be treated as a “volume” business; it requires the economies of scale of large operations working out of massive data centers.
But that creates a host of other issues regarding connectivity, power consumption, the environmental impact, transparency for investors, etc.
Overcoming these concerns has spurred another evolutionary development with crypto mining: the birth of new generation, high tech, purpose-built, crypto-centric data centers.
These state-of-the-art centers are making crypto mining more profitable, more responsible, and more accessible to everyone:
- Large scale achieves economies of scale—better for profits
- Reliable internet and electricity supplies—better for ‘up’ time
- Powered by hydro-electric power—better for the environment
- Purchased upfront—better for minimizing investor risk
- User-friendly dashboards for investors—better for transparency
Lifting the lid off crypto mining
Large-scale mining operations in purpose-built data centers are few and far between at present. But they are shining the light for the future of the industry.
This is the way things are going.
For several good reasons, there is a window of opportunity for investors who decide to get in early:
- The annual compound growth rate of bitcoin over the last 7 years is 120%.
- The world of crypto currency awaits the next big bitcoin rally—remember that bitcoins started out with a $10 value and in Dec 2017 hit almost $20,000.
- If this same trend continues, in three years, bitcoins will cost around $90,000!
Mining bitcoin has become a safer way to benefit from crypto currency than actually holding it.
Now that electricity costs can be controlled, reserves purchase upfront, and more efficient hardware purchased, mining operations that achieve economies of scale are well-positioned to dominate for years into the future.
These large-scale operations have replaced the many smaller companies that shut down in recent times, when it was tough to generate enough revenue to justify continuing with mining.
The door is now open.
The world of crypto currencies may have once seemed like “space travel”. But you can buy a ticket on the next rocket…
One small step for mankind…
Potential investors who want to understand more about the crypto mining opportunity can start with a simple step.
One unique facility in Quebec has purchased its electricity for one year upfront and has reserves to power it for at least three years. This means it can mine even when other operations stop because it’s unprofitable.
Find out more about this brand new, large-scale mining operation run by experienced crypto miners out of a fully owned, state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly data center.
Subject: MintMine — profitable crypto mining operation seeking investors
Hi {name},
My name is Omar Rahmat, COO and cofounder of MintMine: a new state-of-the art crypto mining venture based out of Quebec, Canada.
I’ve traded crypto currencies since 2012 and, for my latest venture, have assembled a team of outstanding crypto mining professionals.
In the recent past, bitcoin mining operations have been severely hampered by:
High power costs
Difficulty in keeping pace with the best mining technology
Problems competing with the bigger players
Market volatility
Environmental considerations (high power consumption)
These challenges forced many smaller operations to work unprofitably and, ultimately, close down.
MintMine has been specifically designed from the ground up to overcomes these challenges; and we believe that the current climate represents a very timely opportunity for investors.
We’re in the process of organising our Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) and it would be great to talk through the investment opportunity with you.
If you’re wondering about the numbers, I’ll cover that in the next email soon.
In the meantime, feel free to schedule an initial 30-minute call with me.
Hope to talk soon!
Subject: The MintMine investment opportunity in numbers…
Hi again {name},
Just quickly following up about our new state-of-the-art crypto mining venture, MintMine.
We’ve set an initial fundraising target of $30 million.
Investors in MintMine can expect:
The support of a publicly listed company working for the profits of members.
A total of 5583 mining rigs generating over 200 bitcoins per month.
Profitable mining even during periods of bitcoin price dips—because we purchase our equipment and electricity upfront.
A transparent investment structure offering quarterly payouts.
A share of the 70% of gross revenue that we divide amongst investors (NOTE: as per current rates, our mining equipment creates profits of about CAD $80.000 per month).
I’d be happy to go into more detail with you in a chat. Please book a 30-minute call with me as a first step.
Talk soon!
Subject: Why such confidence in MintMine?
Hi again {name},
As the MintMine Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) draws nearer, I’d like to introduce you to one of my colleagues: our mining consultant & data centre manager, Vadim Kirichenko.
Investors are in good hands:
Vadim founded an internet development startup that grew to manage over 1,200 websites and became a worldwide internet marketing company.
He currently manages over 20,000 ASIC miners, hosting 6,500 of them himself and managing the others.
He was personally involved in the ground-up development of over 40 Megawatts of crypto mining facilities in Canada.
He has guided the data centre facility to be fully operational within budget and timescale.
He’s part of the reason why we head towards our IEO with great confidence for raising an initial $30 million in investment.
I’d love to help you come on board with MintMine.
Please schedule a quick call with me as the first step.
Talk then!