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Stop leaving your website’s uptime to guesswork.

Monitor, maximize and report on website availability to reduce downtime and keep customers informed.


No more guesswork with website uptime.

Monitor, maximize and report on website availability to reduce outages and keep customers in the loop.

  • More peace of mind: be certain about your website’s availability 

  • Higher revenues: reduce outages and downtime for fewer lost sales

  • Better decisions: plan your business with greater insight from data

  • Better customer experience: keep users informed of website status

Start your 14-day free trial and say goodbye to guesswork.



Is website uptime critical to your business?

If you’re reading this, your website is probably critical to your business.

But are you taking all the steps possible to maximize uptime, minimize outages, and keep your customers informed when there are problems with access?

Businesses increasingly rely on web presence and uptime. From large ecommerce sites to small web development studios, the website is the core of the business.

Yet many don’t even know what their uptime is or the reasons why outages occur.

Investing in keeping your key resource visible should be a basic requirement of the business. 

Informed customers are happier customers

If you fail to monitor your site for uptime or let customers know when there are problems or scheduled maintenance, it’s asking for trouble.

Most people understand that the occasional outage happens. They are reasonable. They know hiccups occur.

What is not acceptable is when websites are repeatedly down, no explanation is given, and competitors seem to be doing it better. 

That causes customers to head for the exit…

Yes, frustrated customers will abandon you

Unmonitored website uptime and failure to keep customers in the loop can ruin a business.

People have choices. In fact, they’ve never had more choices available to them. They don’t need to tolerate poor service. 

Both existing customers and potential new ones will happily bounce away from your website to one of your competitors - if you give them a reason to.

All that time, effort, and investment in your business - wasted! 

All because you didn’t take adequate care of your precious, mission-critical resource and the people that matter most to your business.

Don’t give them a reason to abandon you…

Expect the unexpected with Statlix

The unexpected should not be an excuse for downtime. You should be prepared for it. 

Planning for disasters means that fewer disasters happen and you don’t give your customers a reason to abandon you.

Statlix helps you take a more scientific and measured approach to website availability:

  • Proactively monitor the uptime of your website

  • Continually check the many possible points of failure in real-time

  • Receive performance reports and identify problems before they become critical

  • Inform customers, employees, and other stakeholders if there are unscheduled outages, scheduled maintenance or other availability issues

  • Increase the availability of your web resources

  • Reduce the likelihood of expensive “surprise” crashes

Proven to boost website uptime and user experience

Hi, I’m Yury.

As a software developer for businesses across the globe for whom online services are critical, I take service uptime and availability personally!

I’ve had to develop innovative solutions to keep up with ever-changing demands over the past decade.

Statlix is my latest creation.

It’s helped my clients monitor and maximize uptime affordably and reduce outages and unavailability.

The addition of status page updates is also a huge value-add for the user experiences of their customers…


 “Like an early-warning system”

“My digital automotive business relies on being visible online. Statlix is like an early warning system for problems, allowing us to pre-empt and solve issues before they create crisis situations.”

Charlie Karyanis - Managing Director & Founder, (USA)

“99.98% uptime”

“This sophisticated website monitoring and reporting system has enabled a 99.98% API uptime for our GPS tracking cloud platform.”

Tom Roberts - Founder & CEO, Zedly, Inc. (USA)

“Smart technology made smarter”

“Our clients hire us to speed up, optimize, fix or build complete machine control systems. Our smart technology is made smarter by the promise of limited downtime, constant monitoring, and status updates from Statlix.”

Jakob Rostgaard Steen - Automation Engineer & Owner, Zatea and VEM (Denmark)

“We no longer have to worry about lost sales”

“We’re a travel agency. Even a minute of downtime affects our revenues. We no longer have to worry about lost sales due to downtime because unexpected outages are extremely rare. When we detect a problem, we fix it, and keep clients informed in advance when maintenance is required.”

Morten Svane - Direktør, Bifrost Rejser (Denmark)


More control, confidence, and peace of mind in your business

Maybe you have an ecommerce website for which every second of uptime counts. Your team of developers is constantly working on it and helping you grow.

Or perhaps you’re a web studio owner who wants to grow the reputation of your development teams with the promise of unparalleled uptime for clients.

It’s natural that there will be occasional problems and technical glitches but, with Statlix, you will:

  • Quickly configure uptime monitoring systems for all selected URLs you manage

  • Receive notifications when problems arise by email, SMS, RSS, custom WebHooks, Slack, etc. (it’s up to you how you’re notified)

  • View daily uptime statistics that provide more accurate snapshots of website performance

  • Inform customers of scheduled maintenance and of progress with fixes by configuring your own customized status pages

By tracking, assessing, and reporting on unavailability, you build a business that you have more control over, more confidence in, and fewer headaches with.


A plan for every business….

Insert pricing plans

  • Basic: $29.00

  • Advanced: $79.00

  • Pro: $290.00


Start your 14-day free trial and say goodbye to guesswork.



Nurture Email Series

Email 1

Subject: Want to know the secrets to 99.98% uptime?

Hi {name},

Thanks for downloading The Essential 7-Point Checklist to Keep Your Website Up and Running Smoothly.

Hopefully, it’s given you some great ideas to reduce the outages and website downtime that can be so disruptive to a business.

For a decade now, I’ve been working with business owners who rely on a continuous web presence for the success of their businesses.

They depend on me to make that happen.

Yet only in the past few years have I been able to guarantee uptimes of close to 100 percent for these businesses AND ensure that their customers are happy even if there is an outage.

Do you want to know how I’m able to do that?

There are a couple of secrets to achieving this that work perfectly every time for my clients – and which can also work for you.

In my next email, I’ll start sharing these with you.

Until then!



Email 2

Subject: How did I solve the problem of website downtime & frustrated customers?

Hi again {name},

Do the websites you look after depend on being visible as close as possible to 100 percent of the time?

Does downtime almost kill the business?

As a software developer, my clients rely on me for their web presence.

I was helping them build and maintain their websites and they were depending on me for continuous uptime and availability.

A crashed or unavailable website was obviously bad for business. Their customers would get frustrated and some moved to competitors.


I found some tools to help me maintain decent uptime but not as perfectly – or affordably - as I liked.

My solution?

Build a system myself.

Yes, it took some blood, sweat and tears to develop it. I ended up configuring an open-source solution (Zabbix) on my own server.

What resulted was an amazing, free, open-source tool that could guarantee my clients uptime of close to 100 percent AND make sure that their customers remained happy even if there was an outage.

You’re probably wondering how that’s possible?

Well, it combines two key aspects of an online business’s performance:

Website monitoring to flag issues before they turn into crises

Status page updates to keep people informed when there’s downtime

I’ll explain more about these in upcoming emails.

In the next one, I’m going to begin sharing some secrets on the importance of website monitoring.

Till then!



Email 3

Subject: How do you prevent a website glitch from turning into a crisis?

Hi {name},

If there are performance issues with your website (or a website that you’re managing), are you the first to know?

If not, who brings it to your attention?



Someone else?

If so, your website (and business) is effectively an accident waiting to happen.

Website issues and technical glitches are normal. A gradual decline in performance and unscheduled outages are not normal.

You need to be the FIRST person to know about anything that impacts your business so severely.

The system I built (STATLIX) puts you in the driver’s seat. It monitors the availability of web resources based anywhere around the world in real-time.

Availability requests are made to each resource and response time measured every single minute of the day and night.

You get access to data reports that show:

When there’s a glitch that needs your attention

When there’s a gradual decline in response times that point to an underlying issue

When there’s an outage

This all prevents downtime to websites, APIs and custom services, and prevents normal issues from turning into crisis situations.

In my next email, you’ll find out how to prevent your customers from getting frustrated - even if there is an outage.

Until then!



Email 4

Subject: How do you keep customers happy even when the website is down?

Hi again {name},

An outage needn’t be an outrage!

That’s a lesson I learnt quite quickly when working on the Upwork freelancer website.

Upwork developed its own status update pages. This took significant time and effort but, at the end of the day, the freelancers and business owners who depended on the site were no longer left in the dark about performance issues.

It had been a problem for years – unscheduled downtime disrupting life for their customers (the business owners and freelancers).

With the introduction of status page updates, customers and employees were:

Kept in the loop about website availability

Kept informed of the status of key web resources

Kept informed of the status of fixes to problems

Informed of scheduled maintenance so that they could plan ahead

What a huge difference that made to the overall customer experience as well as the number of support tickets!

With STATLIX, you can achieve all this with ease.

You can create status pages instantly and configure them in a few minutes. You can even set up a system whereby users subscribe for regular updates about web resource performance.

Our in-built status page update service compliments the web monitoring service that you know about already.

Together, it’s an unbeatable toolkit that keeps customers in the loop and happy.

In the next email, I’m going to share how you can try this system for free.

Talk soon!



Email 5

Subject: Want to start maximizing uptime & minimizing customer frustration?

Hi {name},

Unmonitored website uptime and failure to keep customers in the loop can ruin a business.

STATLIX fixes both of these issues by:

Proactively monitoring the uptime of your website

Continually checking the many possible points of failure in real-time

Sending performance reports to identify problems before they become critical

Notifying you of issues via Slack, Twitter, Github, etc.

Informing customers, employees, etc. if there are unscheduled outages, scheduled maintenance or other availability issues

Increasing the availability of your web resources

Reducing the likelihood of expensive “surprise” crashes

Here’s what a couple of recent users have said…


“Like an early-warning system”

“My digital automotive business relies on being visible online. STATLIX is like an early warning system for problems, allowing us to pre-empt and solve issues before they create crisis situations.”

Charlie Karyanis - Managing Director & Founder, (USA)

“We no longer have to worry about lost sales”

“We’re a travel agency. Even a minute of downtime affects our revenues. We no longer have to worry about lost sales due to downtime because unexpected outages are extremely rare. When we detect a problem, we fix it, and keep clients informed in advance when maintenance is required.”

Morten Svane - Direktør, Bifrost Rejser (Denmark)


This is the last email from me for a while.

Make sure that customers don’t start emailing you in disgust about website performance issues by registering for a free 14-day trial of STATLIX.

There are only limited spaces available so make sure you get in early. Start maximizing uptime & minimizing customer frustration right now.

